Landlord reviews for

Mrs Jane Bell in Sutton Coldfield

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Mrs Jane Bell, Sutton Coldfield

Reviewed 15 January 2021
The landlord is so rude, disrespectful and unapproachable. She treats her tenants as if they re her personal property. She does not respect boundaries. Refuse to take up responsibility for anything. For example, provided a washing machine with no dryer or lines to be used by tenants to dry on the garden. She did not provide a credit meter but only installed a prepaid that was costing tenants almost £100 each per month and its not part of the rent. Ask her to carry out repairs she would refuse and become hostile. She badges into tenants apartments unannounced without respect to privacy. The landlord was so callous and wicked that she changed the locks of the apartment without notice and locked out tenant in the cold for 3 days. This was without any eviction notice.
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